Friday, October 29, 2010

What is Multimedia Reflection.

-What I think i did well in this project was i feel my group and I gave a good speech
-What we would have done better was to get more information about the source we picked so out speech could have been longer
-What I liked ab out this project was working together, and deciding what other people chose for there sources of multimedia.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Font Type: Georgia

The font that I got assigned is Georgia. I would describe Georgia as a nice font, it is easy to read and states clear information. It looks like the normal font (Times New Roman) but is slightly different.  It was designed by Matthew Carter in 1993. The Font is also used in Tim McGraw’s hit new album “All I Want”, which i find intiresting. How cool is your font?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Itunes is a big source of Multimedia

Click here to see a Huge Source of Multimedia

 The iTunes website shows everything how mutlimedia can relate to it. It relates by sound, pitcure, video,and text.          

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The assighments in multimedia
1. 5 paragraph essay
2. save to server
3. blog about reflection
4. speech
5. type speech
6. presentation notes
7. save notes to server
8. group reflection
9. turn in syllbus
10. As a group, discuss movies on the list
11. Look at AFIs top 100 movies as a group
12. Make a list of assigments on blog
13. Pick a partner for next movie assigment
14. Create a blog
15. Take notes on presentation